Musuzu's Male Head (VRChat base)
About this product:
This product was made in its entirety, by Musuzu.
It is a from-scratch product, and no assistance was given in its production.
-Triangulated mesh.
-Multi-layer PSD file for better control over the texture.
-All updates on this base model are free of charge.
Terms of Service:
You may not Redistribute this product on its own.
You are allowed to sell finished avatars using this product (Musuzu base head, Musuzu base body, Musuzu full base), but you may not sell it as-is, edited or not.
Any avatar using any part whole or partial cannot be given away and must be sold over the price of the product purchased.
(Please see individual item descriptions for that information.)
This product is non-refundable.
Neither buyer nor seller can use the base for their own personal or commercial models unless they have purchased this base from my store
Credit must be given if used.
Thank you for your interest and support!
Have a wonderful day, creators!
If you have any questions you can message me here:
You can also find me on Twitter!